Friday, April 5, 2013

February and March-ing On...

Whew!! Third quarter is already over!? How fast did THAT fly!!? It has taken me having a Spring Break to post some pictures of what's been going on.

Literature Circles are in full force! We have a total of six literature circles going on at the same time every morning. Each group is reading a different chapter book and focusing on listening and speaking skills, while re-enforcing reading skills. It has been a good challenge to learn how to talk about books. Some book titles we are reading are:

The Stories Julian Tells by Ann Cameron
Rent a Third Grader by B.B. Hiller
Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLaughlin
Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
The "Bass Players" Literature Circle is reading Rent a Third Grader. 

The "Keyboardists" Literature Circle gets comfy as they read Dear Mr. Henshaw.

As groups finish their books, each student chooses three mini-projects to work on in class that focus on Writing, Language, and Comprehension through Art skills. 

We are continuing our weekly Multiplication Masters quizzes so that students can practice their facts from 1-12s. We have just finished learning about measuring length, area and perimeter. We also just finished our unit on geometry. 

 Anderson and Carlos work to find items in the room that measure about an inch. This helps students to have relative benchmarks for one inch.
Students continued to use their knowledge of measurement as we gathered data to create a line plot of students' heights. Here, Caleb and Kaila are getting tickled as they measure Caleb's height. :) 

Our school just celebrated "Crazy Science Day". One day completely dedicated to studying science, complete with visitors from Mad Science, experiments, and all! Third grade focused on introducing the study of plants. 

Students worked in partners to complete a Plant Life Scavenger Hunt. Through this hunt, students learned some fun facts about plants around the world!

Angel and Blake are totally psyched to experience the soap bubbles on their head! Thanks Mad Science!

Social Studies: 
To finish up our unit on government and presidents, students did individual research projects on a US President of their choice. Their goal was to practice taking notes from various sources and compile those notes into a visual. They used their visual to present to information to the rest of the class. Students got extra excited as they learned about their presidents. Some students even chose to dress up like their president or the first lady! 

Being the President Rule #1: Always dress to impress.
 Being the President Rule #2: Provide the people with the information they are looking for.
 Being the President Rule #3: Know your facts.
 Being the President Rule #4: Always choose your team wisely.
Being the President Rule #5: Always smile pretty for the camera! 

Just a few more "precious moments" captured by the camera: 

Arinyah and Jada get comfy as they read independently. :) 

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