Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy 2013!! Wow. Too much time has passed since I've updated this page. Believe me! It's proof of just how busy we have been! I hate to make excuses, but truly...Making time in the day to update a blog is HARD! But I have so many pictures and things to share, that I've got to do it! 

Below is a quick photo journal of some "milestones" in 3rd grade. 

 Look at all these AWESOME compass rose projects on display before the 2nd-3rd grade music program! I was very proud of the creativity and effort put into these projects!
 2nd and 3rd graders shared some things they have been learning in music class with Mrs. Burns. Always a pleasure!
 The students listen to the manager of Krispy Kreme Doughnut Factory to gain insight on running a business and how to work together. This field trip correlated to our topic of economics and helped students prepare for Snowflake Cafe.

 Collin and Nicholas worked as cooks in our Snowflake Cafe. They kept the plates coming for our customers!
 Great customer service is key! Jorge serves one of our Kindergarten customers.
 The hostess(es) with the mostest!
The cashiers had an extremely important job. They learned first hand that it's important to pay attention in math class!
 Congratulations to our Classroom Spelling Bee Participants! 
Parker, Caleb, Alex, Kaya, Aiden, Christina, Jamia, and Diarra were our top spellers in our classroom bee. Congrats to Christina, Jamia and Diarra who represented Ms. Fox's class in the Forsyth Academy School Bee! Christina Jones came in 4th place! WOO HOO! :)

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