Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Bunch of Rockers '13-'14

Get Ready for 2013-2014!

Summer is quickly fading I realize I need to be getting back into the classroom to get things ready for my new bunch of rock stars. Although it is bittersweet, I get excited as I open brand-new text books and pin more cute ideas on Pinterest for the new year. It's always great to have a chance to relax, charge ourselves up, and mentally prepare ourselves for another great year.

If you are visiting this blog for the first time, you are most likely a parent or relative of an up and coming Third Grade Rock Star! :) I'm so so excited to have your child in my class! It's going to be a year of great experiences, great growth and great achievements!

Please explore past posts from the last two years to get a feel for our classroom environment and some things that you can expect for third grade. If you pay REALLY close attention to the dates, you'll see that I usually start of the year posting a decent amount, and then have to play catch up when things begin hectic. This year, it is my goal to try to be better about posting on a regular basis! :) (Somebody please hold me to that!) This is simply our own little third grade spot on the Internet, where I can show you pictures, videos and updates about what we are doing in the classroom. It's a great way to share what your third grader is learning and participating in with relatives all over the world.

I want to remind everyone that this weekend is TAX FREE WEEKEND in NC, so it's the best time to get your school supplies, uniforms, and goodies. The third grade supply list is located on our school website at

Also, OPEN HOUSE this year is on Monday, August 19 and the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL is Tuesday, August 20! (yikes!)

After this is a post that is a little more about me personally if you want to know more. I look forward to getting to know each of you and your families this year!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Ms. Fox

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