Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day of School

We're off to a great start! We just finished our first day together as 3rd graders. After speaking with each other, we all learned that the first day of school can make us feel all kinds of things: nervousness, excitement, anxiousness, even sleepiness! However, I think we all had a good time getting to know each other and getting ourselves back in gear for school.

We spent a good portion of time getting to know CHAMPS. You may hear your child talk about this so I wanted to let you in on the idea. CHAMPS is basically an acronym to help communicate expectations during a given activity. It means:

C- Communication (How should I communicate?)
H- Help (How do I get help?)
A- Activity (What are we supposed to be doing right now?)
M- Movement (Where can I go during this activity?)
P- Participation (How does the teacher/leader know that I am working?)
S- Success

These are not a set of rules, but a helpful tool in communicating procedures in the classroom. The students are involved in the decisions for our expectations of the activities and soon, this will become second nature for all of us.

Just a couple of things for parents and students:

NWEA testing begins next week! Here is Ms. Fox's class schedule:

  • Tuesday, Aug. 23- Reading NWEA (12:20-1:20)

  • Friday, Aug. 26- Language Arts NWEA (12:30-1:30)

  • Tuesday, Aug. 30- Math NWEA (12:30-1:30)

Again, this test is a fantastic way for us to assess where exactly your child is perfoming in these areas and is a great tool for us as teachers and parents to truly see where students strengths and weaknesses are. We will use this data together to plan your child's goals for the year.

Keep posted here for some upcoming photos and info on what your kids are doing in our classroom! :)

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