Your child may be coming home, claiming to be a total rock star...and if they are, cheer them on!! :) You may be wondering where the idea for this theme came from and what in the world it has to do with 3rd grade. Some of it has to do with my own personal dream to be a rock star myself, but you may be surprised at just how appropriate it is for a classroom theme.
Is your behavior in tune? Behavior Management System
In the first few days, I explained to the students that being a "rock star" is not just fame and fortune. To be a rock star, it means that you have worked and worked hard to achieve your goal and because you have done that, you have tons of fans cheering you on. We discussed the process to becoming a total rock star:
Today's Playlist (Objectives for the Day) & Key Vocab
1. A rock star must have a goal.
Whether it be to do well on a test or to stay out of trouble in a day, students need goals. We are practicing how to discover things we are good at and things we need more work on. We, then, have to set a goal to reach. A musician would make the goal of having a band and performing and getting praised by their fans for reaching their goal. In the same way, we must all continuously make goals to achieve so that we can stay focused.
2. A rock star must work well with others to make things work.
In order to have a high-functioning band, members must work together. They have to be respectful, motivated, and willing to compromise with others so that the final product
is something that everyone is satisfied with. Once the members work together long enough, they even begin to form a special bond as they share their art together. In the same way, 3rd graders (and us adults as well) must work with others in our everyday lives to make things work. We must be willing to listen, to speak with honesty, and to compromise in order to reach a goal. Teamwork is a extremely important in achieving success. This includes teamwork from their fellow 3rd graders, the teacher and parents.
Student-Written Social Contract
3. A rock star must practice, practice, practice.
No one can go out on stage and give a rockin' show without countless hours of band practice! In the same way, there is no way we can expect our students to perform well without constant practice at school and at home. This is in the form of daily review, drills, questions, and challenges. Practice is something that should be constant and consistent. "Practice makes progress" is one of my favorite philosophies of education. Without practice, there can be no progress.
Our classroom library
4. A rock star performs...and does it with confidence!
As a musician myself, I can say, there is no greater feeling than the adrenaline that flows right before you enter the stage in front of a huge audience. You know that you have put in multiple hours of practice for this one performance and you MUST have confidence in your abilities to perform well. Any time students are asked to show their skills, this is their opportunity to shine! There is a positive sense of "pressure" in that opportunity to show what you've got. Third graders must understand that tests, assessments, projects and assignments are not created to "catch them" or to stress them out...but they are opportunities to show what they've got and if they've done their part in practicing, they will have the confidence to perform well! :)
5. A rock star has lots of fans.
You are your rock star's biggest fan. From day one, I have told them that I, their teacher, am one of their biggest fan. We are each other's fans. We are here to support and cheer each other on. Even when our star may fall and have a rough "show", we are here to cheer, encourage, and show love for our favorite rock stars.
The students give each other "Grammys" (affirmations to each other)
So, please encourage your rock star, no matter where they are on their journey to being "The Ultimate Rock Star". They know that in our classroom, the red carpet is rolled out for them each and every morning and I hope that that can encourage them to continue to strive for all of their goals.